Horizon Home Health and Hospice is the leader in home health care, hopsice care and pallative care in Southern Idaho.
Home Health Care Services The of Horizon Home Health is PATRICIA DAVIES Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : We know you have many choices when it comes to selecting your care provider. Most of these agencies will be able to provide an adequate level of care. The difference lies in how that care is delivered. At Horizon, when we say our goal is to provide "Life-Changing Service, " we mean it. What's at the heart of this kind of service? You are! Your needs, your desires, your particular preferences, your beliefs, your wishes as to how those beliefs are considered and respected. This means service tailored to fit you, not fitting you into our services.
How can this be "life changing?" By ensuring that every question is answered, every headache possible is eliminated, and every need is anticipated and handled before it becomes another burden for you, or your family. It's about seamlessly transitioning you to the proper level of care should your needs change. It's compassionate inclusion and education of your loved ones as vital members of your team. It's offering you the chance to receive a keepsake book detailing the defining moments of your life through what we call The Evergreen Project. It's service above and beyond what is expected, delivered in a way that frees you to concentrate on the things that matter most: relationships, recovery, and quality of life. Life-Changing Service-it's what we do!
Life-Changing Service is really just the logical outgrowth of who we are. Everyone at Horizon is committed to our Core Values. It's not that we "teach" these values to our staff. It's more that we attract and hire people who already embrace the qualities that strengthen our culture of values. Here's what our Horizon culture is all about:
Organize-We are organized so that we can provide Life-Changing Service. When we are organized and on time, providing service looks easy, no matter what challenges we face. Our clients are inspired to feel secure and confident in our care.
Communicate-Our clients know what to expect from us, they are in the know and in charge of their healthcare decisions. As part of the team, we practice transparency in addressing concerns openly, honestly, and with the right people.
Respect-We understand and respect our clients' choices. We take a collaborative approach to solving problems and respect the rights of others to be informed and to make choices.
Inspire-We inspire our clients and coworkers with "Life-Changing Service. " Opportunities abound to make a difference in the lives of others.
Home healthcare services for the elderly or disabled
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Horizon Home Health in Price you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1994
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